
Building Code Setback Requirement
building code setback requirement

Setbacks are measured from the property line (or from the development setback required by AMC 21.06.030C.7. Building setbacks identify front, rear and side areas of a.Each zoning district has minimum front, side, and rear yard setbacks. Detached accessory buildings in Rural Zoning Districts A-1, AT, R1-190, R1-154, R1-108, R1-54, R1-43: Detached accessory buildings (dwelling units, garages, sheds, barns, workshops, ramadas,A: Depending on the zoning of a property, various minimum building setback requirements will apply. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE DESIGN STANDARDS. &0183 &32 GUIDELINES FOR BUILDING - DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES.

Section 105.2 (A) Building Permits is added as follows: 105.2 (A. A detached structures must remain 6 feet from the primary dwelling, or subject to primary dwelling setbacks. Note: All structures (exempt or not) must comply with Sacramento County Zoning Code Development Standards. &0183 &32 the 3 setback applies as shown.

building code setback requirement

Building Code Setback Requirement Code Language For

Land Use Enforcement will be happy to verify the current code language for you. Please note that recent amendments may not have been published yet. It is also possible to obtain a variance for an encroaching structure.If you use the online version of the code, try searching on " 21.06.030" for more information. Exceptions to this general rule are found in AMC 21.06.030.Structures that encroach into yard setbacks may have nonconforming (grandfather) rights if they were legally built before zoning.

building code setback requirement